Sunday, June 28, 2009


You all I just came to realise that all mothers (of course those who are genuine) think and behave the same. They are worried for their children, irregardless of the age group they are in. When my children were young, I was worried if they have enought to drink/eat. Are they sleeping enough? Will they be abused/beaten by the maid in my absence? Every single moment, I am thinking of their welfare even till today. In their teens, there are the BGR problems which we are concern if they are able to handle, pressures of school work, social, friends they mix with. As for the boy, I was extremely concern if he is mixing with right company, pick up bad influences, etc. Now that he is an adult, working and never comes home early most times, I am worried if he is eating well, managing his finances properly, etc. I thank God always for sustaining me throughout these times.

Why am I saying all these. My mother in law (gee's mum) expressed her concerns when she was told by him that he is planning to downgrade to a HDB flat and also at the same time to retire from work. She could not sleep the whole night thinking about it. My heart went out to her for her concern. She is after all still a mother. We have to alley her fears that he is doing alright and that ultimately all of us will have to retire. Thank God for the durians that Gee brought for her to soothe and calm her down.

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